Metal Entanglement, Sheet


Medium: Steel, Transducer
Size: 200cm x 210cm x 100cm
Length: 00:27:44

Shown at:

Downtown Digging, House of Vans, 2022
RCA Show 2022, Royal College of Art, 2022

Please contact me for a full recording of the piece.
Sonic sculpture “Sheet” investigates the connection and interaction between a metalworker and their materials, exploring how they listen and collaborate with metal, and how entangled their lives become. The recorded interviews with metalworkers combine with the tonalities of an arched, suspended steel sheet to create a sonic amalgam of human and metal.

Over the last few years, I have developed tinnitus; a constant tone piercing through my hearing. The tonality of metal has become something I associate closely with this tone; an echo, or ghost of metal, constantly running through my perception. This experience has prompted me to investigate how the life of metal intertwines with the world, and the lives of other matter around it. What agency it has, and how its presence both physically and sonically creates new posthuman spaces.

The piece speaks the words from conversations between metalworkers Steve Raffill and Alex Granville, and myself through the use of a transducer. The words spoken entwine with the resonance of the metal sheet, and surround the listener.

Photo: Jon Payne (2022)