Nicholas Faris playing synthesizers at House of Vans.
Sonic Landscapes
(2021)(Collaboration with Nicholas Faris)
Medium: Performance, Wearable Instrument, Synthesizer
Shown at:
Downtown Digging, House of Vans, 2022
White Noise, The Rotunda, 2021
Leave no Trace, IKLECTIK, 2021
“Sonic Landscapes” is an extention of my work with “Texture Translation, using the texture gloves in combination with a number of other sonic elements. The piece is a collaborative improvisational performance by Nicholas Faris and myself; a hybrid of
ambient noise performance with textural investigation and interaction. Both Nic
and I have contributed physical textural scores to the performances, comprised
of materials such as metal, wood, bark, and ceramic.

Detail of a sculptural score piece for performance